Monday, March 28, 2016

What's In Our Future?

        Kourtney Frye                                                    

 "Children are our future. They are our today, as well as our Tomorrow." These are words that my mother once wrote when I was younger, and they occupy my heart still today. If children are in fact our future, what do we do as our future is being plagued with atrocities that no one should ever experience? Do we sit and watch as the people who are suppose to care for them disregard their innocence and abuse them? Do we overlook the young girl or boy being bullied by their fellow students and teachers alike? Do we feel that it is too uncomfortable to speak about? Or will we decide that no human being should ever have to face such hardship? If we believe whole heartedly that children are our future, we must take a stand. Children are precious gifts; they must be protected. The late Nelson Mandela once said "We owe our children, the most vulnerable citizens in our society, a life free of violence and fear." Until we take an initiative to promote change, change will never happen. Starting as a student at Troy University this past fall, I found a few organizations that really interested me. Still, I wanted to be apart of an organization that correlated with the career field that I wanted to pursue, Child Advocacy law. After a tedious search, I finally found Future Child Advocates of America. This organization  not only specializes in child advocacy, but also has a program for student organizations who want to pursue the same.  This is why I feel  humbled and blessed to take part in such an amazing movement such as Future Child Advocates of Troy. I am getting the chance to meet so many people who are very passionate about this issue as well. It will be through the love and determination of the organization's members that we will continue to strive to spread awareness for the children in our community, county, state, nation, and world. We will let them know that we are their voice.

For if I only had a voice, I could scream it to the nations. But since I am silenced, someone must  scream for me. Who will it be?
                                   - Kourtney